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The Circle & The Square

Who are The Circle & The Square?
The Circle & The Square flashlight gif
We're a couple of creative artists who enjoy creating all things "miscellaneous everything."
We see ourselves as professional dabblers,
striving to make an impact with a variety of projects:


Nyamekye "Nemy" Smith

Hometown: Miami, FL
Dancer • Model • Singer • Writer • Content Creator •
Dancer • Model • Singer • Writer • Content Creator •
The Circle has been a dancer for her entire life, exposing herself to a variety of music, and expanding her creativity from an early age. As she takes on a multitude of artistic avenues from dance to model to singing, she’s following her dreams of being able to “do it all.”


DeQuan "QueueD" Russ

Hometown: Teaneck, NJ
Artist • Fashion Designer • Producer • Song-Writer • Content Creator •
Artist • Fashion Designer • Producer • Song-Writer • Content Creator •
Despite being The Square, DeQuan has been thinking outside of the box since he was a child. His work embodies a minimalistic essence yet always leaves an impact.

Constantly considering how to approach life differently, he's evolved into a supremely unique multimedia artist, using design, fashion, and music.
Our mission is to explore duality as an entry point into understanding the spectrum that is everything in-between.
We provide a multitude of perspectives on everyday life, art, health, and relationships.
& Conversation
we hope to inspire people to embrace new ways of seeing things, doing things and thinking about things in hopes to increase the ability to understand and empathize.